Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It was cold and cloudy today, its like August is preparing us for another grey and sad September..

although I was born in this month, I don't like it, its the end of summer which -used to be- my favourite season of the year, its the month in which many many things in my life changed..

just wake me up when September ends...


أحبكَ جداَ ..
رغم اننا نحتاج .. أعظم معجزة ..
لــِ : تجمعنا تحت سقفٍ واحد ..

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Eid :)

Eid in my home is always quiet and boring.. no special activities at all..

but for some reason I am always extremly happy through everyday of it..

although I stay in my pj's and I really don't do anything different.

I believe that Happeniss comes from the inside, the way I deal with happeniss is that its a state of mind and soul not related to any material thing around me, not a person, time, or place..

well it's realted to times like Eid for example, and when I wake up early in the morning and the few minutes before I sleep at night. I'm always the happiest in those times :)

elhamdolilaa for everything, no matter how bad and sad things around me seem I know that Allah didn't creat me to see me sad or hurt..

everything happens for a reason, a good reason. and nothing would ever change this idea for me :)

))وَاصْبِرْ حَتَّىَ يَحْكُمَ الله وَهُوَ خَيْرُ الْحَاكِمِينَ ((

Eid Mubarak ..

I do Miss you..

Friday, August 26, 2011


Dear Me:

It's been a very long time since you sat down and had a serious talk with yourself..
and It's been ages since you wrote any decent, intresting thing..

White spaces used to tempt you to write, and little simple things used to make you think and come up with  amazing lessons or thoughts..

so, its time to change, and time to start new..

each time you were broken you could find a way to rise up again,stronger, and wiser..

I know that you are feeling incredibly lonely today.. in fact, its the first time you really understand what does being lonely feels like..

thus, here is my gift for u..
A chance to redemp..
a space to reconnect with your mind and heart again..
and a way to get back on track in the chase after your goals and dreams.

I Miss you so much, I miss the optimistic happy self I saw in you.. and miss the feeling of pride I got each time i thought of you..

Hope that there would be no place for bitterness that I could feel in your words in the past..
may this blog bring you all the good things you need and wish for..
may it be full of happeniss, creativity, and truely powerful changes..

Sincerely Yours,
